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Okunmamış 05-24-2018, 18:59   #1
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Standart What are the Hair transplantation Methods?

In recent years, hair transplantation in our country has shown a great increase. Many people who are faced with hair loss problems and can not solve this problem with different methods choose to get a hair transplant. With the rapid development of technology and medicine, hair transplantation has become easier and many methods have been developed. In this article, we will provide you with information about what hair transplantation is, what kind of method are used and in what kind of way will it be applied. If you are wondering about these methods, you are in the right place.

What is Hair Transplantation?
First of all, it is quite correct to start by explaining what hair transplantation is and how the procedure works. Hair transplantation is applied on people with hair loss problems. Hair transplantation is the best solution for these people. At this point, it is aimed to remove the problem of hair loss by collecting the roots from the donor region and implanting them into the balded areas. First, the hair and the balded sections are examined and the hair follicules to be implanted and the hair region that the roots will be collected from are determined after the analysis. Then, the hair transplantation procedure is completed which takes between 3 hours and 7 hours under local anesthesia.

What are the methods of hair transplantation?
Two techniques are used in hair transplantation method. Live hair transplantation is used in both methods and local anesthesia is applied in both. The main difference between the two methods is the way the hair follicules are collected. In one method, the hair collected between the two ears covers a line-shaped area and causes a line-shaped scar but in the other method, there is no scarring at all.

Hair Restoration With FUT Technique
The so-called FUT technique is also known as the classical strip method and is called the classical hair transplant method. As mentioned above, the process is carried out with a scalp of 10 * 4 size between two ears from the top of the jaw and the hair transplant turkey sowing process is done in strips. A line-shaped stitch is taken from the back region and then stitched onto the balded areas. This process uses approximately 5,000 and 6,000 hair strands . This is *****alent to 1400-1600 grafts. It is possible to say that for one session this is a very successful number of grafys. However, many people do not prefer this method because of the scarring. The operation takes 3-5 hours on average and the transaction is completed in the form of sessions. Sessions are held with a 6-month interval and a maximum of 3 sessions can be performed. The classic strip method, called FUT, lost its popularity in 2015 and left its place to FUE technique.

Hair Planting with FUE Technique
The method known as Follicular Unit Extraction and called as non-operative hair follicle is a preferred method. In this method, hair is taken in the same area as in FUT method. However, in this method the way the roots are collected is different. With a special tool called punch, the hair is collected from the donor section and can be taken up to 1500 hair follicles per day and the hair is implanted in a period of 4 days on average. At the end of 4 days, an average of 5,000 hair follicules can be collected. The total duration of the procedure can be up to 7 hours. Besides this, there is no scarring because the hair is taken one by one. Another alternative to hair transplantation is collecting hair from the chest and implanting them in the same method.
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