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Okunmamış 07-29-2020, 01:00   #1
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Standart Coffee Roaster

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One of the most consumed drinks in the world came out of Ethiopia and was now roasted and grinded in different ways in every country in the world.

In this article, we will try to explain you industrial roasting methods and different roasting types. There are two different methods of roasting coffee. First with drum machines, second with air roasting method. Coffee roastingmachine Heats the drum before heating with drum machines, then passes to coffee by heat contact and roastes the coffee. In roasting with air, the heated air constantly mixes and heats the coffee. With this method, the coffee beans are roasted by taking the heat directly from the air. In air roasting it is better to heat the coffee bean homogeneously, in some cases you can check it in the drum heaters with constant stirring and even heating. Again, roasting with air takes 6-8 minutes, while in drum roasting machines this time exceeds 20 minutes.

The more the aroma that was exposed to the heat in the coffeehouse, the more it looses its flavor and begins to pass into uniform flavors. In addition, coffee roasters both use less energy for roasting coffee in large masses and are more developed because they have been developed for a long time. In general, large companies use a drum roasting machine. The choice of roasting machine is left to the roaster rather than the coffee lover. Industrial roasting; Our coffee roaster*machine is easy to operate. Power consuption is very low coffee roaster.The mathematics, chemistry and physics parameters were performed along with careful monitoring and control. The roasting process is completed at 10 - 25 rows and 180 - 250 ° C depending on the preference of the roaster. Coffee roaster machine has plc and computer system to manage heat control.

The points to be considered when choosing a coffee roasting will also be mentioned. Moisture As a result of the coffee roasting machineprocess, the moisture in the green coffee bean content is largely evaporated. Volumetric Change Oils and sugars in the coffee bean are released by the effect of heat. Therefore, the dried core grows in volume and surface area, which increases the interaction of water and coffee during brewing.

Density Water in the green bean makes up about 10 - 21% of the weight in the bean, which means that when the roasting process is over, the weight of the coffee beans is reduced by 10 - 21%. Color The green nuclei turn yellow within the first few minutes. Then, with the effect of temperature and time, it in turn goes into light brown, brown and black. oils As the coffee is roasted, the oil in it tends to rise to the surface. We can say that the seeds that we see oil on the surface are very roasted. There are basically three different degrees of coffee roasting. These are light, medium and dark roasting. When we elaborate a little, you can see the roasting varieties with their original names below.
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